Deck Layout for The Numerical Tarot |
The Numerical Tarot is a very unique deck with a very unique design to its underlying structure. Basically, it is divided into four distinct, but still very inter-dependent decks. Each deck is considered to be a variation on a single theme, that of a number line (like the one seen here). In the world of The Numerical Tarot, a number line is seen as an extremely abstract representation of the individual stages and theoretical limits of a model of existence that this deck uses to describe the essence of being.In designing a deck around a theoretical model of existence, this deck makes a few changes to the traditional form of a tarot deck (as discussed here). In many ways this deck is not so much a tarot deck, as it is a pictoral, symbolic representation of the essence of being, as described in the book ...All Things Are NumbersThe book that goes with this deck builds a model in our mind's eye that attempts to describe the indescribable nature of being. It then labels the parts of this model with numbers. When those numbers are attached to the symbolic illustrations and anthropomorphised icons of a specific cullture's mythology, an etymological link is suggested from logical abstract ideas to subjective human symbolism. For more on this idea of etymology, go here.As a series of number lines, the Major Icons show the stages of a simple ameliorate and deteriorate progression. The Minor Suits then repeat the qualities of the Major Icons with two cards for its every one. The Court is then seen as a number Line crossed as a grid. And the Quaternary is seen as a number line folded in half. For more on how these divisions are made, go here.Below, there are three charts that show different ways in which this deck can be divided and viewed.
The Numerical Tarot
The Spine of Tarot |
The Major Icons Together as a set | The Quaternary Together as a set |
The Minor Suits Together as a set | The Court Together as a set |
Or, four variations on a theme...
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