8 of [--] Clubs
The Exhaustive Discharge:
-- Frantic & Fatiguing

Consumptive sickness, disease and purging
Frantic panic, last gasp surging
Fatigued and fizzling, lots of sighing
Light snuffed out... gloom of dying

Frantic panic fatiguing
Consumptive gloom draining

A crucified arm breathes its last breath of life and lets go of its eight staves. They fall in rapid succession, like the water poured from the pitcher in this card’s corresponding Major Trump, The Hopeless Sickling.

Below, someone snuffs out a candle, symbolizing the snuffing out of this person’s life. No more light. No more energy.

He held on to those eight staves for dear life. They were his source of hope. But his depleted condition lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Then burnout. Then disease. Then panic, as he realized his destiny. After one final frantic burst of energy, he was gone.

The snuffed candle also symbolizes his burnout and how he just fizzled away.

The falling bird symbolizes his fall from grace. He did not die a dignified death. He was crucified. Perhaps this is the beaten man from the previous card.

You will burn out. Your energy will fail you. You will not have the energy to finish. You will get sick.

Don't burn the candle at both ends. Don't waste energy. Don't run yourself ragged. Don't run on empty. Beware of failing health. Don't be impulsive and sporadic.

Sickness comes in haste and goes at leisure.
Haste makes waste.

[D8] The Hopeless Sickling
[D2/8] The Sinking Dysphoria

Antonym: 8 of [+] The Cumulative Discharge
Coronym: 8 of [ / ] The Narrow Perspective
Transonym: 2 of [--] The Indirect Action
Varonym: [Reverse] Mitigate
Proxonym: < or >



Compare to The Numerical Tarot

Compare to The Seasonal Tarot

Key: [+] = Addition-Diamonds-Coins ... [X] = Multiplication-Hearts-Cups ... [--] = Subtraction-Clubs-Staves ... [ / ] = Division-Spades-Swords

[A] = Ameliorate Major ... [D] = Deteriorate Major

Antonym = Meanings that are opposite in an investive vs. divestive way e.g. [+] to [--], or [X] to [ / ]
Coronym = Meanings that correlate in a quantitative vs. qualitative way e.g. [+] & [X], or [--] & [ / ]
Transonym = Meanings that are equidistantly similar i.e. from the same sphere of influence, e.g. 1&9, or 2&8, or 3&7, or 4&6
Varonym = Meanings that are variable across a spectrum of possibilities that exists across antonymous cards in their upright & reversed states
Proxonym = Meanings that evolve seqentially across each suit from one card to the next

The Isomorphic Tarot by Guy Palm

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 by Guy Palm

Do not reproduce without permission