3 of [ / ] Spades [Reversed / Mitigated]
The Imperfect Bond:
-- Rigorous & Vexing

Inurbanity, rigorous test
Rugged, rustic, vexing nest
Solemnity helps inuring pain
Not to mention occasional rain

Rigorous solemnity inuring
Rugged inurbanity vexing

You will endure hardship with callouses. Miserable conditions will toughen you.

Be cruel to be kind. Someone needs some tough love. Make a sacrifice.



Key: [+] = Addition-Diamonds-Coins ... [X] = Multiplication-Hearts-Cups ... [--] = Subtraction-Clubs-Staves ... [ / ] = Division-Spades-Swords

[A] = Ameliorate Major ... [D] = Deteriorate Major

Antonym = Meanings that are opposite in an investive vs. divestive way e.g. [+] to [--], or [X] to [ / ]
Coronym = Meanings that correlate in a quantitative vs. qualitative way e.g. [+] & [X], or [--] & [ / ]
Transonym = Meanings that are equidistantly similar i.e. from the same sphere of influence, e.g. 1&9, or 2&8, or 3&7, or 4&6
Varonym = Meanings that are variable across a spectrum of possibilities that exists across antonymous cards in their upright & reversed states
Proxonym = Meanings that evolve seqentially across each suit from one card to the next

The Isomorphic Tarot by Guy Palm

Copyright © 1999 - 2010 by Guy Palm

Do not reproduce without permission